Worker safety orientation is expected to become mandatory in Ontario on January 1, 2014, as we have previously advised. The Ontario Ministry of Labour is developing an e-learning module that workers and supervisors can take to complete the orientation, and has now made available printed copies of its worker safety orientation materials.
The worker materials are called “Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps”, and an accompanying employer guide is available. Printed copies can be ordered by going to www.publications.service and searching for “worker awareness”.
The MOL says that the supervisor materials, called “Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps”, and the accompanying employer guide, will be available in printed form soon.
Also, the MOL says that the e-learning program will be available later this Spring. According to the MOL, “learners will be able to access modules on the ministry’s website and print a certificate of completion once they complete the online awareness training.” The e-learning module will, hopefully, make it relatively easier for employers to comply with their new obligation, as of January 1, 2014, to ensure that all workers and supervisors have received the mandatory safety orientation. Workers and supervisors may simply go to the MOL website, take the orientation through the e-learning module, print the completion certificate, and give it to their employer.
For more information on the new mandatory training obligations, see our previous post here.